Founded in 2015, Craighill is a design and manufacturing brand rooted in curiosity, ingenuity, and satisfaction. The world already has too much “stuff” and you don’t need yet another shiny object. That’s why they design their products to be as functional and timeless as they are beautiful and intriguing.
New York, New York
We try to create design that is expressive, playful, and exploratory — but underpinned with a certain rationality and legibility. The rationality tethers us to an anchor and provides constraints, and constraint forces creativity. The most satisfying designs for me strike a balance between playful / rational, and familiar / new.
Timeless to us, very simply, means it could be relevant ~30 years into the past or future. Could your grandparents have owned this object, and will your grandchildren want it? That is the actual question we ask ourselves throughout the design process.
Form and Function are more intertwined with lighting than with a lot of other categories we design within. You have to consider not only how the form / color / scale of the lamp works alongside other interior objects (and styles), but also how it illuminates a space and sets a mood. It definitely took a few weeks for us to wrap our heads around the possibilities / limitations of Gantri’s production capabilities — but in the end we really enjoyed the process. Working at this scale brought back some long-repressed memories of making architectural models in school.
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