Mona is an Industrial Designer who enjoys creating honest, simple and enjoyable designs through conceptual thinking, challenging interactions and methods along the way. She graduated with a Masters in Design from Sheffield Hallam University and is currently working as an Industrial Designer in the packaging industry. When not designing, she can often be found exploring an art gallery, throwing a bowl, cooking, or whittling.
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Mona Sharma

Honest, simple and enjoyable.

Mona is an Industrial Designer who enjoys creating honest, simple and enjoyable designs through conceptual thinking, challenging interactions and methods along the way. She graduated with a Masters in Design from Sheffield Hallam University and is currently working as an Industrial Designer in the packaging industry. When not designing, she can often be found exploring an art gallery, throwing a bowl, cooking, or whittling.

Copenhagen, Denmark

A Design

Get to know Mona Sharma

What led you to become a designer?

I really enjoyed science, maths and art at school, and design seemed like the perfect place where all paths could meet. I could make things that: work well, help people and look great - all at the same time!

What inspires you (in design or in life)?

I like to look for the unusual in the usual - interesting patterns, textures and behaviours - and see if I can apply them to change perceptions or feelings.

What is your design philosophy?

Even if the execution of a design is complex, the outcome for the end user should always be simple and enjoyable.

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