
The best lighting for a home gym: Ideas to motivate you

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, home gyms have become more and more popular. From new homes to rooms retro-fitted to become a personal fitness center, people are bringing the gym home. Like any room, it’s important to invest in proper lighting to help you on your fitness journey. Here at Gantri, we’re always happy to help create a great lighting plan no matter the room, and this guide for the best lighting for your home gym is no different!

Written by Ian Yang

Sep 19, 2024

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, home gyms have become more and more popular. From new homes to rooms retro-fitted to become a personal fitness center, people are bringing the gym home. Like any room, it’s important to invest in proper lighting to help you on your fitness journey. Here at Gantri, we’re always happy to help create a great lighting plan no matter the room, and this guide for the best lighting for your home gym is no different!

Importance of good lighting for home gym

Thankfully, home gyms don’t have too many considerations to take into account while creating a great lighting plan. The two most important things to keep in mind for the best lighting for your home gym are space and clarity. Here’s why!

Safety first

Space is important for obvious reasons. Exercising takes a lot of room and bumping into lighting equipment is dangerous. Whether you’re practicing yoga or lifting weights, having the maximum amount of space your room allows is crucial. So floor-sitting lighting solutions are generally out. 

As far as safety goes, it’s important that while using any exercise equipment you have a clear, bright lighting setup. This means that your lights should have a wide reach and a cool tone.

Get motivated and stay motivated with the best lights for your home gym

You want your home gym to be welcoming and energizing. Nobody wants to exercise in a dim, dusty room. That’s why bright lighting is important to get you up and motivated for your workout! If you can afford them, dimmable home gym LED lighting allows your gym to shine at the height of your workout. Then, for cool-downs or yoga workouts, you can dim the lights to let yourself become relaxed.

How to get the best lighting for your home gym

a wel-lit home area that can be used as a home gym

Now that we’ve laid out the considerations, let’s set the scene and figure out a lighting plan! Here are some of the ways you can create bright and clear lighting for your home gym and still maintain its comfort and style for your post-workout downtime!

Natural light

Natural lighting is a go-to if possible. If you select a room with wide windows that let a lot of light inside you can easily solve the majority of your lighting needs. Just take note: direct sunlight through a window can heat a room. This may be uncomfortable if you’re already sweating, so alleviate with light-fabric (such as sheer) curtains or blinds!

If you don’t have a space with easy access to natural lighting, then keep in mind the color temperature of daylight is around 5000-6500K. This can be achieved with brighter-cool light bulbs in your fixtures to create a sun-like atmosphere without the heat!

Bright lights to set the tone

As mentioned, keeping the lights bright and cool helps keep your home gym a safe and motivating place. Keeping your endorphins pumping and your mood high with a bright color temperature is more than just a placebo. There’s lots of evidence backing the tangible effect that different color light temperatures have on your mental state. 

Since we want to be at our best when we’re exercising, paying extra attention to the lights you buy is vitally important. Make sure you’re focusing on color temperatures that make you feel energetic and comfortable without being overwhelmed.

Proper placement

The spacing of your lights and the amount of lights depends on the size of your space. A smaller room can be more easily lit with one or two bright LED lights. If your space is larger, though, you may need more lights spaced every four feet or so to prevent harsh shadows from being cast across your gym and causing a safety hazard.

Best type of lighting for home gyms

A woman posing like she is about to go to her home gym

Now that we’ve discussed some best practices for lighting your home gym, you might be wondering what kind of lights to buy to brighten up your space! Here are some of the best types of home gym lighting to invest in.

Lighting from above

Since many home gyms are in smaller rooms and we’re trying our best to avoid cluttering the floor with standing or tabletop lights, overhead lighting is a good bet. With an overhead pendant light, you can create a wide ambient light that doesn’t interfere with exercise space. It’s a good idea to space pendant lights out accordingly so you can create adequate lighting coverage for the whole room.

No spotlights

Bright, single-source lights can be difficult to incorporate into home gyms for a few reasons. If you’re looking toward them while working out, you’re staring into the direct center of a bright light. They can also start to feel hot after a while. This is why, overall, we suggest using cooler LEDs so you’re not heating yourself and the room. We recommend area lights that have a much wider throw and include some sort of diffusion.

Flexibility with dimmers

Dimmers are a great way to introduce flexibility to the level of brightness in your lights. Whether you’re lifting weights or doing cardio, being able to cool down and relax in a cozier atmosphere will surely increase your enjoyment and prevent quickly burning out through over-exertion. They’re also great if you have a less intense workout like yoga or active stretching and need less bright light.

Stay safe, stay fit, and stay motivated with the best lights for your home gym

We hope you’ve gotten a few ideas to create the best lighting for the home gym of your dreams! Remember that the first and most important thing to consider is your personal safety. This goes from the equipment you buy to the lights you install. Make your gym a place you’re excited to be in every morning and every night! 

Be sure to check out some of Gantri’s wall lighting or overhead lighting solutions! Or if you’re looking for more inspiration for other rooms around your house, check out some of Gantri’s other guides for unique designer lighting ideas with a heap of personality!